
Product Reference Guide 173
3010 CMD 8
3011 CMD 9
3012 CMD 10
3013 CMD 11
3014 CMD 12
3015 CMD 13
3016 CMD 14
Table 37. GUI Shift Keys
GUI Shift Keys
The Apple iMac keyboard has an apple key on either side of the space bar. Windows-based systems have a GUI key to
the left of the left ALT key, and to the right of the right ALT key.
Other Value Keystroke
3048 GUI 0
3049 GUI 1
3050 GUI 2
3051 GUI 3
3052 GUI 4
3053 GUI 5
3054 GUI 6
3055 GUI 7
3056 GUI 8
3057 GUI 9
3065 GUI A
3066 GUI B
3067 GUI C
3068 GUI D
3069 GUI E
3070 GUI F
3071 GUI G
3072 GUI H
Table 36. Miscellaneous Key Standard Defaults (Continued)
Misc. Key Keystroke