2.5.5 Local Lonworks Network
A local Lonworks network allows logically connecting a DX6400 master reader with up to 31
DX6400 slaves. Actually, the maximum number of readers to be employed in the network
depends on the system operating conditions; that is adopted operating mode and amount of
data stream.
When creating your network, always keep in mind the following guidelines:
• the Lonworks network logically supports a maximum number of 32 devices (master +
• it is recommended to adhere to the 8-in-16 rule (not more than 8 devices in any 16 meter
bus segment;
• for DX6400 scanners the total bus length may extend up to 130 m (426 ft);
• the maximum number of DX6400 readers supported also depends on the type of power
propagation adopted by the system (see the specific power supply installation manual for
Typically the layouts can be divided into Synchronized (single P.S.) or Multidata (multi P.S.)
networks. They can be small (up to 10 scanners) or large (more than 10 scanners).
Contact Datalogic Automation S.r.l. if your network requires a higher number of readers or in
case the application throughput is very high.
For further information on Lonworks network cabling and connections see the “LonWorks®
TPT Twisted Pair Transceiver Module User’s Guide”, available from the website:
For some DX6400 Lonworks Network layouts power is propagated through
the scanners. For these layouts a special setting is required in
C-BOX 100 to pass scanner power to the presence sensor, encoder, etc.