The following can be used as a checklist to verify all of the steps necessary
for complete installation of the DS2400 scanner.
1) Read all information in the section "Safety Precautions” at the beginning
of this manual.
2) Correctly position and mount the scanner for barcode reading according
to the information in par. 2.2, 2.5 and 3.4.
3) Provide correct system cabling according to the signals necessary for
your application (see all sub-paragraphs under 2.3 and 2.4). See also
sub-paragraphs under 2.6 for reference.
4) Install the Configuration Disk.
Upon successful completion of the installation, the readme.hlp file is
opened, giving details about how to get started configuring your scanner.
See also the Guide To Rapid Configuration link.
Specific parameter details are available in the Help On Line.
Fine tuning of the scanner position for
barcode reading can be accomplished using
the Test Mode as described in WinHost.
The installation is now complete.