
2.6.1 Concatenation
It is possible to concatenate up to 4 different codes, set their length and enable the
intercode delay between them (the intercode delay is set in the specific interface
parameters, see page 27, 29 and 34). When enabling the delay one or more global
headers and
terminators are added to the decoded data. The concatenation
procedure may occur in different ways depending on the number of codes to be
decoded per image:
One Code Per Scan
If the code resulting from the single decoding of an image belongs to one of the
code families to be concatenated, it is saved to the PowerScan® D8530 memory
waiting for other codes to complete the concatenation.
If the code belongs to the same family of a code previously saved, it overwrites
the old one.
If the code resulting from the decoding does not belong to one of the code
families to be concatenated, it causes the concatenation failure and clears the
temporary memory. If the "Concatenation Failure Transmission" command is set
to "Tx codes causing failure" (see page 50), this code will be sent in the output
All Codes Per Scan
All codes resulting from the decoding of an image and belonging to one of the
families to be concatenated are saved to the PowerScan® D8530 memory
waiting for other codes to complete the concatenation.
If one or more codes resulting from the decoding belong to the same family of
codes previously saved, they overwrite the old ones.
When the image contains no code to be concatenated, the concatenation fails
and the reader temporary memory is cleared. If the "Concatenation Failure
Transmission" command is set to "Tx codes causing failure" (see page 50), the
codes causing
the concatenation failure will be sent in the output message.