3.4.3 Stand Autorecognition
Pair the reader to the stand paying attention to insert the handle into the stand clip.
Correct insertion will be signaled by a beep; then, the reader will be ready to read
barcodes. Read the configuration codes at page 70 to automatically enter in Normal
or Pattern Autoscann
ing mode.
Exposure and Calibration
Two different control modes are available for managing the camera: automatic mode
and fixed mode.
The automatic mode provides three different options to get the best tuning of the
image to be captured:
- Automatic based on entire image
: camera control mode based on the analysis of
the whole image. This mode works well in most standard applications. It is the
default setting.
- Automatic based on central image
: camera control mode based on the analysis
of a restricted area positioned in the central zone of the image. This mode is
suggested when reading small codes positioned in a dark and extensive
- Automatic for highly reflective surfaces
: camera control mode allowing to read
codes on highly reflective surfaces. This mode is suggested, for example, when
reading codes positioned on plastic or metal surfaces.
The fixed mode is particularly suggested for expert users. It requires a camera
calibration to adjust the acquisition parameters to the ambient light conditions. The
defined values will always be used when working with a fixed exposure.
These values are permanently saved in the reader memory.
Refer to page 50 for configuration codes.
ming System Calibration
The factory-defined Gryphon™ D432/D432E aiming system is already correctly and
precisely calibrated to the Gryphon™ D432/D432E focus distance and therefore
works for the most typical applications. However, it is possible to modify the aiming
system precision for the following condition: