Unpacking the Scanner
The scanner is shipped in custom packaging. Carefully open the package, and inspect
for the following:
• scanner
• power supply (if ordered)
• interface cable (if ordered)
If any parts are damaged or you need additional hardware, please contact Technical
Scanner Care
The scanner contains sensitive components which require special handling. Datalogic
may not warrant damage due to improper handling.
• Do not open the scanner's case. Doing so will void the warranty.
• Avoid touching the front window. Fingerprints will degrade the scanner's perfor-
• Only clean the scan window when visual inspection reveals dirt or residue.
Remove lint or foreign material present with filtered compressed air. Remove fin-
gerprints or other residue using clean, cotton-tipped applicators dipped in isopro-
pyl alcohol, or with soft tissues dipped in high-quality lens or eyeglass cleaner. Do
not reuse cotton-tipped applicators or tissues.
• Do not scrub the window.
• Never wipe the window with a dry tissue or applicator.
Technical Support
Datalogic Website Support
The Datalogic website (www.scanning.datalogic.com) is the complete source for technical
support and information for Datalogic products. The site offers product support, prod-
uct registration, warranty information, product manuals, product tech notes, software
updates, demos, and instructions for returning products for repair.
Telephone Technical Support
If you do not have internet or email access, you may contact Datalogic technical support
at (541) 349-8283 or check the back cover of your manual for more contact informa-
1100i OEM 1-2