IC Description
DW370ASM* (Micro-controller for Non-Teletext Model)
=TMS370C08A05 ( TI Type No.)
(1) General Description
The TMS370C08A05 devices are members of the cMCU370 family single-chip microcontrollers.
The cMCU370 family provides cost effective real-time system control through use of the PRISM methodology.
The PRISM methodology modular fabrication process integrates analog, digital, linear and power technologies on a
single chip, thereby maximizing the total integration strategy.
The TMS370C08A05 devices are designed with the high-performance 8-bit TMS370C8 CPU.
Features of the ‘C8 CPU and system module as implemented on this device include three CPU registers (stack
pointer, status register, and the program counter), two external interrupts, reset, memory mapped control registers.
(2) Feature
Internal Memory Configurations
- 16K-Byte ROM Program Memory
- 512-Byte RAM
Operating Features
- Supply Voltage (VCC) 5 V ° 10%
- Input Clock Frequency 2, 20MHz
- Industrial Temperature Range
Device Integrity Features
- Address Out-of-Range Reset
- Stack Overflow Reset
- Parallel Signature Analysis (CRC)
Two 16-Bit General Purpose Timer(T8A)
Each Includes:
- 16-Bit Resettable Counters with individual 8-Bit Prescaler
- 2 PWM Channels or
- 2 Input Captures or
- 1 Input Capture and 1 PWM Channel
One 14-Bit PWM Module
- 14-Bit Resettable Counters
- 14-Bit PWM Output Port
One 8-Bit PWM Module
- 8-Bit Resettable Counters
- 8-Bit PWM Output Port with 12V Open Drain
OSD Module
- Blanking/ Contrast reduction out
- Transparent Background
- Transparent Foreground
- Full Screen Background Color
- Controlled Color, Blink, Size, Smoothing, Fringe of Each lines of Character
- Two size of different Font 12x10 and 12x18 by Hard Masking
- OSD Window Display with 40x25 lines
8-Bit A/D Converter With 3 Inputs
- Single or Dual Channel Operation
- Single or Continuous Conversion Modes
Flexible Interrupt Handling
- Global and Individual Interrupt Masking
- 2 S/W Programmable Interrupt Levels
- 2 External Interrupt (1 Non-Maskable)
- Programmable Rising or Falling Edge Detect