Document #: 38-02097 Rev. *B Page 24 of 44
3-Level Select Inputs
Each 3-Level select inputs reports as two bits in the scan register.
These bits report the LOW, MID, and HIGH state of the
associated input as 00, 10, and 11 respectively.
The JTAG device ID for the CYV15G0404DXB is ‘0C811069’x
Receive Character Status Bits
RXSTx[2:0] Priority
Normal Status
Receive BIST Status
(Receive BIST = Enabled)
000 7 Normal character received. The valid Data
character on the output bus meets all the
formatting requirements of Data characters
listed in Tabl e 14 .
BIST Data Compare. Character compared correctly.
001 7 Special code detected. The valid special
character on the output bus meets all the
formatting requirements of Special Code
characters listed in Table 15, but is not the
presently selected framing character or a
decoder violation indication.
BIST Command Compare. Character compared
010 2 Receive Elasticity buffer underrun/overrun
error. The receive buffer was not able to
add/drop a K28.5 or framing character
BIST Last Good. Last Character of BIST sequence
detected and valid.
011 5 Framing character detected. This indicates
that a character matching the patterns identified
as a framing character (as selected by
FRAMCHARx) was detected. The decoded
value of this character is present in the
associated output bus.
100 4 Codeword violation. The character on the
output bus is a C0.7. This indicates that the
received character cannot be decoded into any
valid character.
BIST Last Bad. Last Character of BIST sequence
detected invalid.
101 1 Loss of sync. This indicates a PLL Out of Lock
BIST Start. Receive BIST is enabled on this channel,
but character compares have not yet commenced. This
also indicates a PLL Out of Lock condition, and
Elasticity Buffer overflow/underflow conditions.
110 6 Running disparity error. The character on the
output bus is a C4.7, C1.7, or C2.7.
BIST Error. While comparing characters, a mismatch
was found in one or more of the decoded character bits.
111 3 Reserved BIST Wait. The receiver is comparing characters. but
has not yet found the start of BIST character to enable
the LFSR.
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