1. Adjust handlebar to maximize comfort
or duplicate outdoor riding position.
Stop the fl ywheel and dismount the in-
door cycle before making adjustments.
3. Turn small L handle counterclockwise
to loosen. Move the handlebar forward
or back to achieve proper handlebar
position. Turn small L handle clockwise to
2. Turn large L handle counterclockwise
to loosen. Raise or lower the handlebar
post to the desired height. Turn large L
handle clockwise to tighten.
Adjust Handlebar
Small L handle
Large L handle
Control Resistance (100 Pro, 200 Pro, 300 Pro only)
The CycleOps Pro Series indoor cycle allows the user full control over resistance by adjusting the resistance knob. Lower resistance
levels enable the pedals to turn at a faster (less diffi cult) pace/cadence. Higher resistance levels enable the pedals to turn at a
slower (more diffi cult) pace/cadence.
Adjust Resistance (400 Pro only)
Pedaling resistance is automatically controlled by the Joule display, located on the handlebar. Reference the Joule user guide for
more information.
3. In case of emergency or before
dismounting the indoor cycle, press
directly down on the resistance knob
to bring the fl ywheel to an abrupt
1. Control pedaling resistance by using
the resistance knob located behind
the handlebar on the top tube of the
main frame assembly.
2. Turn the knob clockwise (+) to
increase resistance. Turn the knob
counterclockwise (-) to decrease