
Web Manager for Administrators 163
Unlock the outlets
Assign a name to the outlet, for example, identify the device for which it
provides power.
Change the power up interval. The power up interval is the time interval
(in seconds) that the system waits between turning on the currently-
selected outlet and the next outlet.
Figure 4-12:Power Management - Outlets Manager Form
T To View Status, Lock, Unlock, Rename, or Cycle Power
1. In Expert mode, go to Access> IPDU Power Mgmt.> Outlets Manager.
The “Outlets Manager” form appears.
Yellow bulbs indicate an outlet is switched on and an opened padlock
indicates that the outlets are unlocked. An orange “Cycle” button is active
next to each outlet that is on.
2. To switch an outlet on or off, click the adjacent light bulb.
3. To lock or unlock an outlet, click the adjacent padlock.
In the example below, outlet 1 is switched on and locked, and outlet 2 is
switched off and unlocked.