
Before You Begin
AlterPath Console Server User Manual 3
Untitled Data Fields Some data entry fields of the GUI windows or
forms do not have titles. When this field is
described in any field definition section of the
manual, the field is indicated as untitled,
enclosed in angled brackets.
[untitled] Type in the port number in this field.
Untitled forms While most forms are identified by it’s menu
selection, some forms do not bear the title. The
manual uses initial capitals to refer to their
names or titles.
The Data Buffering form; the VPN Connections
form; the Active Ports Session form.
User entry words Words or characters that you would type in are
shown in courier.
Example: myPas8worD
Window levels Screen levels are also indicated by the “greater
than” symbol (>), starting from parent to child to
grandchild and so forth. In ACS, the navigable
window types are the forms and the dialog boxes.
Example: Security > Users and Groups > Add
Naming Conventions
ACS Short name for the Cyclades AlterPath Console
Dialog box The dialog box is a pop up window that appears
and prompts for user input as part of the process
for completing a form in order to configure the
Form The form is the largest part of the user interface;
it contains the user selection or input fields for
each selected item in the menu.