
DVD-18 A DVD that is double-sided, dual-layered, holding up to 17 GBytes of data.
DVD+RW DVD+ReWritable uses phase change media, the same technology on
which rewritable CDs are based. A high-performance laser is used to
change the reflective properties of the recording layer; this process can be
repeated more than thousand times.
DVD+R DVD+R (write-once DVD). Unlike a DVD+RW disc, the disc can only be
written to once. If it is not finalised after a recording, further recordings can
be added to it in the DVD recorder. Old recordings can be deleted but can
no longer be overwritten. Before this disc can be played in a DVD player, it
must be finalised in the DVD recorder. Once this process is completed, no
further recordings can be added.
kHz Kilocycle. KHz is the indication for the height of the scanning rate with
which an analogue signal (PCM) is interrogated for the following ana-
logue/digital transformation.
Letterbox Transmission of a wide-screen film with bars on top and on bottom on a
standard size television.
Macrovision Analogue copy protection which scrambles the video signal when used with
VHS recorders. Also has an effect on some projectors and monitors.
MP3 A compressed audio format. MP3 files recorded on CD-R or CD-RW media
are suitable for playback on your DVD recorder.
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group. Compression method that is used for digital
video records, e.g. for Video CDs or CDs.
NTSC National Television System Committee, television norm among others in
the USA and Japan (from 525 lines only 480 lines will be transferred with a
picture changing frequency of 60 half pictures per second).
PAL Phase Alternation Line, television norm in Germany and other European
countries (from 625 lines only 576 lines will be transferred with a picture
changing frequency of 50 half pictures per second).
Panscan When used with a normal TV (4:3 aspect ratio), this setting results in the
typical “Panscan” display, where a movie is clipped on the sides to fit on the
TV screen.
PCM Pulse Code Modulation. Linear data stream, which arises from the scan-
ning of an analogue signal in the same intervals.
PDC Programme Delivery Control. Same function as VPS (see VPS).
Region code DVD movies are produced with region encoding to restrict distribution of
titles to certain areas at certain times. To play back a DVD title with a spe-
cific region code, you will need a DVD recorder with the same region code.
RGB Electrical transmission possibility for video pictures, i.e. it is a picture sig-
nal, which is splintered according to the primary colours of the TV (red,
green and blue).