The nutritional information is per serving
unless otherwise indicated.
Lemon Poppy Tea
Surprisingly lowfat cookies! Serve with
lemon sorbet for a light summer dessert.
Makes 40 tea cakes
cooking spray
6 tablespoons margarine,
slightly softened
¾ cup sugar
1 tablespoon grated lemon rind
1 teaspoon poppy seeds
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 whole egg
1 egg white
2¼ cups unbleached, all-purpose
¾ teaspoon baking powder
Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat 2 baking
sheets with cooking spray.
In a medium mixing bowl, cream
margarine and sugar on Speed 1/Low until
light and fluffy, about 1 minute. Add lemon
rind, poppy seeds, vanilla, whole egg and
egg white. Beat on Speed 3/Medium until
well blended, about 1 minute.
Combine flour and baking powder in a
small mixing bowl. Add to creamed
mixture in 3 to 4 additions, and beat on
Speed 1/Low until well blended, about 20
Press dough into a ball and wrap in waxed
paper or plastic wrap. Chill in freezer for
30 to 45 minutes.
Shape dough into 40 balls (¾-inch) and
place 2 inches apart on baking sheets.
Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until firm
when touched. Tea cakes (and bottoms)
should be only lightly browned.
Nutritional information per cake:
Calories 52 (35% from fat) • carb. 7g • pro. 1g
• fat 2g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 5mg • sod. 30mg
Always read the entire recipe (ingredients and
instructions) before beginning to bake. Make
sure you have all the necessary ingredients and
utensils/appliances on your work surface. This
will save time and make your cooking
experience more pleasant.
Creaming butter or margarine: For best results,
remove butter or margarine from refrigerator
and set aside while assembling other
ingredients. This will allow butter or margarine
to soften slightly before use and will make the
creamed product creamier. Do not use frozen
butter or margarine.
Vanilla Chip Biscotti
Delicious with coffee or espresso, these
Italian dipping cookies make a unique gift.
Makes 2 dozen biscotti
1½ cups unbleached, all-purpose
¼ cup cornstarch
½ teaspoon baking powder
2 eggs
¾ cup sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
teaspoon salt
½ cup vanilla chips
cooking spray
Combine first 3 ingredients in small bowl;
Place eggs, sugar, vanilla, lemon juice, and
salt in large mixing bowl. Start at Speed
1/Low and gradually increase to Speed
3/Medium. Mix until thick and smooth,
about 3 minutes.
Add dry ingredients to egg mixture in 3
additions, mixing on Speed 1/Low for 30
seconds after each addition.
Add chips and continue mixing on Speed
1/Low until just incorporated, 15 to 20
Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat two baking
sheets with cooking spray. Divide dough in