CertainTeed Vinyl Siding Installation Guide
NOTE: If two temperature cells on the PanelThermometer
show a color change, use the brighter color as the indicator.
Each panel has a patented PanelThermometer
that displays
panel temperature and indicator lines that serve as guides for
proper spacing between the panels. The PanelThermometer is
located on the upper right-hand corner of the panel; the indicator
lines are on the upper left-hand corner.
Note that the panel temperature may change throughout the day.
Space the panels according to the panel temperature at the time
of installation.
The cells on the PanelThermometer will change color to indicate
the temperature of the panel.
If the brightest cell is between the numbered temperature cells,
position the panel between the corresponding temperature
indicator lines. Example: If the Panel-Thermometer reads 65,
align the second panel to the 65 temperature indicator line on the
first panel. If the cell between the 65 and 100 is brighter, position
the panel between the 65 and 100 temperature indicator lines.
Panel Thermometer Temperature Indicator Lines
0 Set to 0 line
30 Set to 30 line
65 Set to 65 line
100 Set to 100 line
130 Set to 130 line
160 Butt panels tight
D7" Straight Edge Perfection Shingles
NOTE: Do not drive center-pin nails tight. Leave 1/8"–1/16"
between the nail head and the panel to allow the panel to
move freely during normal expansion and contraction.
First course
Strike a level line around the house and install Cedar Impressions
Metal Starter.
If you plan to use Cedar Impressions Mitered Cornerpost,
make sure the starter strip is installed to the edge of the corner.
An alternative method of starting Cedar Impressions is to use
J-channel in place of starter strip to receive the bottom edge
of the panel.
Cut the end of the top course of the panel at indicator “A,”
which is located above the nail slots.
panel temperature indicator lines