
Enginewon't 1, Slide throttleto "Run" position.
start 2, Slide choke leverto choke position.
3. Depress trigger gun.
Won't Draw 1. Turn knob counterclockwise for more soap (+).
Pump running
normally but
pressure does
not achieve rated
1. Engine throttle is in "OFF" Position.
2. Choke lever has not been placed to
3. Pressure buildup after initial use.
1. Adjustment knob on soap nozzle is
turned fully clockwise for less soap (-).
2. Chemical screen is obstructed.
3. Chemical screen not working.
4. Chemical injector orifice obstructed
or stuck.
1. Water supply restricted.
2. Adjustment knob on soap nozzle is
turned fully clockwise for less soap (-)
3. Nozzle incorrect or worn.
4. Pump sucking air.
5. Nozzle blocked.
1. Pump sucking air.
2. Garden hose inlet strainer clogged.
3. Worn Seals or Packing.
4. Inadequate water supply.
5. Fouled or dirty inlet or discharge
Leaky discharge hose.
2. Check chemical screen; clean if obstructed.
3. Make sure chemical screen is submerged in
4. Check and clean.
1. Check water supply and filter screen for
blockage. Check hoses for blockage, kinks,
leaks, etc.
2. Turn knob counterclockwise for more soap (+).
3. Check and replace.
4. Check that hoses and fittings are airtight.
5. Clean nozzle.
1. Check that hoses and fittings are airtight. Purge air
from garden hose.
2. Clean. Check filter frequently.
3. Check and replace.
4. Check hose for kinks.
5. Check flow available to pump. Check for
excessive heat, 145° F or above.
Clean inlet and discharge valve assemblies.
Replace if damaged.
6. 6.
Pressure drops 1. Nozzle clogged, partially obstructed. 1. Check connection. Replace ifcracked or
after period of punctured.
normal use 2. Nozzle worn. 2. Clean or replace.
3. Valves worn, dirty or stuck. 3. Check and replace.
4. Worn piston packing. 4. Check and replace.
Pumpnoisy 1. Water too hot. 1. Reducetemperaturebelow63°Cor145°F.
2. Pump sucking air. 2. Check that hoses and fittings are airtight.
3. Valves dirty or worn. 3. Check, clean or replace.
4. Worn bearings. 4. Check and replace if necessary.
Presence of 1. High humidity. 1. Change Oil.
water in oil (oil 2. Piston packing and oil seal worn. 2. Check and replace oil seals.
Water dripping 1. Fittings Loose. 1. Tighten.
from pump 2. O-rings of piston guide or retainer 2. Check and replace.
3. Piston packing worn. 3. Check and replace.
Oil Dripping 1. Oil seal worn 1. Check and replace
2. Loose drain plug or worn drain plug 2. Tighten drain plug or replace o-ring. Do not over
o-ring, torque.
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