• Repair the starter rope If the rope breaks next
to the pulley.
• Replace the starter rope if the rope breaks 2-3
inches away from the pulley as the rope will be
too short to repair properly.
Always wear eye protection when ser-
vicing the starter rope. The recoil spring,
located beneath the pulley, is under ten-
sion. If the spring pops out, serious per-
sonal injury can result.
• To repair or replace:
NOT_ Use caution when separating the
fan housing from the shroud to avoid
breaking or damaging the fuel line fittings.
1_ Drain all fuel from tank.
2. Remove the four (4) screws from fan
housing. Figure 28.
3. Carefully separate fan housing from shroud-
about one (1) inch.
4. Disconnect fuel lines from fittings.
5. Disconnect ignition module wires. Figure
6. Slide high tension lead grommet from slot,
in fan housing.
7. Separate the fan housing completely from
the shroud.
8. If the starter rope is not broken, release
the spring tension by pulling about 12
inches of rope from the pulley and catch
the rope in the notch as shown. Figure 30.
NOTE: The tension on thestarter spring
will be released if the rope has broken.
9. Remove screw and pulley very carefully.
Figure 29. The recoil spring which lies
beneath the pulley must stay in the hous-
Ing, flat against t6e bottom. Itthe spring Is
disturbed, it will require oonsiderable time
and effort to reinstall. Twist the pulley
gently clockwise ,,,,-]& ' as you pull up to
release the spring.
10. Moveawayfromthefuel tankand melttheend0f
the new rope togo intothe pulley,
11. Allowthe meltedendtoddponce, thenwhile rope
isstillhotpullthe meltedend througha cleanrag
to obtain a smooth, pointed end.
12. Insert rope through the rope exit hole in
the fan housing.
13. Guide rope insidepulley,then upthroughtopside
pulley hole by pushing the ropefrom the under-
side hole with a small object such as a
14. Wrap rope counterclockwise 4[--,, around
pulley ratchet and tuck loose end back
under-rope leaving a 1/4 to I/2 inch
tail laying in the rope groove. Figure 30.
15. Wind all but about 12 inches of the rope
counterclockwise _ around pulley.
16. Replace pulley in the housing. Be sure
the pulley is all the way down and the
spring is secured. Replace screw and
tighten. Figure 29.
17. Hold the 12 inch slack in the rope and
catch rope in pulley notch. Figure 30.
18. Hold the rope taut and make 2 complete
turns of the pulley counterclockwise
to place tension on the pulley.
Hold the pulley to retain tension.
19. Align pulley notc_ with rope exit hole,
pull starter handl_tothe full extent of the
rope and allow the rope to slowly wind
around the pulley.
NOTE: While the unit is disassembled, in-
spect the carburetor housing seal and
replace if worn. Figure 28.
20. Reverse procedure for re-assembly of fan
housing to shroud.
NOTE: Make sure the fuel line with the
black stripe or solid color is installed on
i.i i i
i ii
Figure 28
,o., ,o.,
Figure 29
Figure 30