• Clean the cover and the area around
it to keep dirt from falling into the
carburetor chamber when the cover
is removed.
• Remove parts as illustrated.
• Wash the filter in soap and water.
• Allow filter to dry.
• Add a few drops of oil to the filter;
squeeze the filter to distribute oil.
• Replace parts.
Air Filter
Replace the spark plug each year to
ensure the engine starts easier and
runs better. Set spark plug gap at
.025 in. Ignition timing is fixed and
• Twist, then pull off spark plug boot.
• Remove spark plug from cylinder
and discard.
• Replace with Champion CJ-8Y spark
plug and itghten with a 3/4 in. socket
wrench (10-12 ft.-Ibs).
• Reinstall the spark plug boot.
• Always use Cra_sman replacement
Choose the line size best suited for the
job at hand, Green colored line is de-
signed for cutting grass, red line for
grass and small weeds, The black col-
ored line isdesigned for cutting larger
weeds and light brush,
• Before inserting the line into the
holes in the cutting head, identify the
proper holes, When using Green, or
Red, insert line into the holes marked
small on the cutting head. Black line
should be inserted in the holes
marked large.
• Insert both ends of your line through
the proper holes in the side of the
cutting head.
Positioning Small
• Insert ends of the line one at a time
through the positioning tunnels.
Line against
• Pull the line and make sure the line
isagainst the hub and extended fully
through the positioning tunnels.
• Correctly installed line will be the
same length on both ends.
_i WARNING: The trimmer head
will be spinning during most of this
procedure. Wear your protective
equipment and observe all safety pre-
cautions. After making mixture adjust-
ments, recheck idle speed.
Carburetor adjustment is critical and if
done improperly can permanently
damage the engine as well as the car-
buretor. If you require further assis-
tance or are unsure about performing
this procedure, call our customer as-
sistance help line at 1-800-235-5878.
Old fuel, a dirty air filter, a dirty fuel fil-
ter, or flooding may give the impres-
sion of an improperly adjusted carbu-
retor. Check these conditions before
adjusting the carburetor.
The carburetor has been carefully set
at the factory. Adjustments may be
necessary if you notice any of the fol-
lowing conditions:
• Engine will not idle. See ISLE SPEED
under adjusting procedure.
• Engine dies or hesitates instead of
accelerating. See ACCELERATION
CHECK under adjusting procedure.
• Loss of cutting power. See MIXTURE
ADJUSTMENT under adjusting