OHdand/or impropeHy mixed fueHare the main reasons for
the unit not running property. Be sure to use fresh (Hess
than 60 days rid) dean unHeaded fuel Follow the instruc-
tions carefully for the proper fueHioiHmixture.
Definition of Blended Fuels
Today's fueHsare often a Mend of gasoHine and oxy-
genates such as ethanol methanol or MTBE (ether).
AHcohoH-bHendedfueHabsorbs water. As HittHeas 1% water
in the fueHcan make fueHand oH separate and Headto for-
mation of acids during storage. When using aHcohoH-
Mended fuel use fresh fuel
Using Blended Fuels
If you choose to use a Mended fuel or its use is unavoid-
able, follow recommended precautions:
• Always use the fresh fuel mix explained in your opera-
tor's manual
• Always shake the fuel mix before fueling the unit
• Drain the tank and run the engine dry before storing the
Using Fuel Additives
The bottle of 2-cycle oil that came with your unit contains
a fuel additive which will help inhibit corrosion and mini-
mize the formation of gum deposits. It is recommended
that you use our 2-cycle oil with this unit.
If unavailable, use a good 2-cycle oil designed for
air-cooled engines along with a fuel additive, such as
STA-BIL _Gas Stabilizer or an equivalent. Add 0.8 oz.
(23 ml.) of fuel additive per gallon of fuel according to the
instructions on the container. NEVER add fuel additives
directly to the unit's fuel tank.
To Obtain Correct Fuel Mix:
Thoroughly mix the proper ratio of 2-cycle engine oil with
unleaded gasoline in a separate fuel can. Use a 40:1
fuel/oil ratio. Do not mix them directly in the engine fuel
tank. See the table below for specific gas and oil mixing
NOTE: One gallon (3.8 liters) of unleaded gasoline mixed
with one 3.2 oz. (95 ml.) bottle of
2-cycle oil makes a 40:1 fuel/oil ratio.
(3.8 UTERS) (95rnm)
1 LITER 25 mm
MiXiNG RATIO - 40:1
I I^D IM N . Addfoe,ioao,eao,
• well ventilated out-
vapors dissipate.
NOTE: Dispose of the old fuel/oil mix in accordance to
Federal, State and Local regulations.