• Disconnect sanderfrom power supply,
• Assemblepartsas shown in Figure9.
• Place washer on spindle,then threadrubberback-up
pad onto spindle.Lock spindleby depressingspindle
lockbuttonand handtighten beck-uppad.
• Positionback-updiscand sanding discin place and
threadflange nutonto spindle.Tightenflange nut
securely byturningthe sandingdisc clockwiseby hand.
,_ WARNING: Use only the back-up pad and back-
updisc suppliedwithyour tool, Other types of pads
or discscould disintegratecausingpossiblesedous
See Figure 10,
The matedal beingsanded shouldbe heldfirmly,Secure
smallworkpiece ina vise orclamp to workbench.
Hold your sander infront and away from you with both
hands.With the sendingdisc clearof the workpieca, start
your sander and letthe motor reach its maximumspeed,
then lowerto the work surfaceat a slight5 to 8 degree
angle. See Figure 10. Do notallow the tool to remain in
one place, This willcause uneven sandingor gougingof
the work. Keepyour sander slowly movingoverthe work.
_l, WARNING: Keep a firm grip on the handlesof your
tool withboth hands at alltimes, Failureto do so
could result in lossof control leadingto possible
This toolwas designed sothat the weight of the tool alone
will provideadequateweight onthe sandingdisc.Extra
pressurewill only result in unevenwork, slowersanding
from slower speed, and possiblemotor bum-out,
Uponcompletionof work, or a sending operation,liftyour
sander away from work surface beforeturningoff.
_lh WARNING: Sandingdisc must cometo a
complete stop before setting tool down on
workbench, Failureto do socan cause the tool to
be thrownfrom workbenchbecause of sending disc
rotation.This couldresult in damage tothe tool or
possible sedous personal injury,
To removepaint,varnish, or rust, send withan opankote
type sandingdisc.
Another method of removingpaint or rustis by wire
brushing,The wirecup brushmay bethreaded directly
ontothe spindle,
_, WARNING: Always wear protectivegoggles.
Sparks, wire and loose particlescan be thrown
while usinga wire brush.Use ofyour sander
withoutgogglescould result in seriouspersonal
Fig. 10