
3. Configuration of JetShell
The following are the description of buttons
Move File Down
Move File Up
Download onto
Flash Memory
Upload onto PC
Print list of files in flash memory
Refresh flash memory and display the renewed contents
To delete files, select the files stored in flash memory and
click this button
Move the selected file down in the order of files in flash memory
Move the selected file up in the order of files in flash memory
To download files onto flash memory, select the files to down-
load from the file management window and click this button
Use for uploading files in flash memory onto PC
MP3 files cannot be uploaded
Similar to managing PC with folders, the memory of the iAUDIO can be divided into 5 albums and managed by
these albums. Tracks can be played by album. A maximum of 64 files can be stored in each album. Thus, a
maximum of 256 MP3 files and 64 SC4 files can be stored in the iAUDIO.
The following are the description of buttons for selecting albums.
Button Function Description
Select MP3 Album
Select Voice Album
Used in MP3 Mode
Used in Voice Recording Mode
Only voice recording SC4 files are created/stored.
Button Function Description