2 Mobile Internet PC User’s Guide
Presario 700 Series
To start or restart the
computer. During the startup
process, information necessary
for the computer to operate is
loaded into memory.
See also main memory.
Software that searches
for, displays, and downloads
text, graphics, sound, and video
from the Internet. Microsoft
Internet Explorer and Netscape
Navigator are two popular
A mistake in the design of
computer software or hardware.
Because of their complexity,
many have minor bugs. As soon
as the manufacturer becomes
aware of the problem,
modifications are made
to correct it.
bulletin board
An electronic
notice board on the Internet
where people can post notices
for others with similar interests.
Professional organizations and
clubs often have bulletin boards
for members to share
information and opinions.
Eight bits of data (eight
individual electronic on/off
signals, strung together to make
a message that the computer can
interpret). Most information is
organized into bytes. One byte
of data is usually required to
represent a single character that
you can see on the screen (a
letter, number, punctuation
mark, or other symbol). For
example, the byte 01001000
represents the capital letter H.
See also bit.
cable modem
A modem that
allows you to access the Internet
through your cable television
provider. Continuously
connected to the Internet, the
cable modem allows high-speed,
high-capacity data transfer.