Mobile Internet PC User’s Guide 15
Presario 2700 Series
pop-up menu
A list of options
that pops up when you
right-click an icon on the
desktop or taskbar, the vacant
part of the desktop, a selection in
a document, or a file in Windows
Explorer. See also right-click.
Short for
microprocessor. The brains of
the computer.
See also microprocessor.
product key
A unique series of
letters and numbers that is
assigned to each software
package you buy. You are asked
to enter the product key when
you install the software. When
you register the software, you
transmit the product key to the
manufacturer to enter in a
customer database. Later, when
you call for technical support,
you are asked for the product
key. The technician matches it
against the database to
determine whether you qualify
for support. You should keep a
record of all product keys to
protect your investment. They
are comparable to the serial
numbers on hardware.
See also software.
Software that you
install on a computer for word
processing, drawing,
manipulating photos,
reconciling your bank statement,
calculating your taxes,
composing music, or playing
games. It is occasionally
referred to as an application.
See also software.
A device that
provides ports for external
devices, allowing you to “dock”
and remove your Notebook
while your hardware remains
connected to the QuikDock.
(Available on selected models