is low, or the auxiliary battery) to the computer;
battery is at end of its this charges the
life. auxiliary battery.
Replace the auxiliary
You have to set the Auxiliary battery charge Provide power to the
date and time every is low, or the auxiliary computer (AC or battery),
time you turn on battery is at end of its which charges the
the computer. life. auxiliary battery.
Replace the auxiliary
Battery charge does Battery is being exposed Keep the battery pack
not last as long as to high temperatures or within the recommended
expected. extremely cold operating temperature
temperatures. range 50oF to 104oF (10oC
to 40oC) or recommended
storage range -4oF to
86oF (-20oC to 30oC).
Recharge the battery
Battery has partially Recharge the battery.
self-discharged. Discharge the battery
completely until the
unit powers off, and
then completely recharge
it. Repeat this process
every 30 days.
Power management is Set a power management
disabled. level in Computer Setup.
An external device or Turn off or disconnect
PC Card is draining the external devices when not
battery. using them.
Extensive modem usage. Connect to external
power source when using
CD-ROM extensively.
Extensive operation in Avoid extensive
DOS mode (power operation in DOS mode.
management is not
implemented in DOS
Battery pack is Normal warming has No action is required.
warm to the touch occurred due to
after charging. charging.
Battery gauge is The battery pack is new Fully charge the battery
inaccurate. or has not been used for pack until the battery
a long period. light on the computer
turns off.
Condition the battery