3-28 Illustrated Parts Catalog
Table 3-16
Description* Spare Part Number Warranty Tier
Remote Service Drivers (Danish) 276068-081 D
Remote Service Drivers (Dutch) 276068-331 D
Remote Service Drivers (English) 276068-001 D
Remote Service Drivers (Finnish) 276068-351 D
Remote Service Drivers (French) 276068-051 D
Remote Service Drivers (German) 276068-041 D
Remote Service Drivers (Italian) 276068-061 D
Remote Service Drivers (Norwegian) 276068-091 D
Remote Service Drivers (Portuguese) 276068-101 D
Remote Service Drivers (Spanish) 276068-071 D
NT Diagnostics (Brazillian Portuguese) 276069-201 D
NT Diagnostics (Danish) 276069-081 D
NT Diagnostics (Dutch) 276069-331 D
NT Diagnostics (English) 276069-001 D
NT Diagnostics (Finnish) 276069-351 D
NT Diagnostics (French) 276069-051 D
NT Diagnostics (German) 276069-041 D
NT Diagnostics (Italian) 276069-061 D
NT Diagnostics (Japanese) 276069-291 D
NT Diagnostics (Norwegian) 276069-091 D
NT Diagnostics (Portuguese) 276069-101 D
NT Diagnostics (Spanish) 276069-071 D
* International spares are not available from Houston. North American customers can order backup sets of all software on
diskette format from the Compaq Order Center.