3–4 Getting Started
Using the Computer
Installing Software from the Internet
If you download software from a Web site, follow the installation
instructions that are usually displayed on the Web page. If installation
instructions are not available, complete the steps listed here.
CAUTION: Before downloading files of any kind from the Internet, make
sure that call-waiting is disabled and that your anti-virus utility is
running. If the download process is interrupted, you must restart the
entire download procedure from the beginning.
1. Before you start downloading, note the location on the hard drive
where the files will be stored. Also, be sure that you have enough
hard drive space available.
2. Close all other open programs.
3. On the Windows desktop, click Start then click Control Panel.
4. Double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon. The Add or
Remove Programs window is displayed.
5. Click Add New Programs.
6. Click the CD or Floppy button.
7. Click the Next button.
8. Click the Browse button.
9. Locate (as noted in Step 1) and select the executable file (.exe) for
the downloaded software.
10. Click Open to begin the installation process.