
Escape Sequences
Escape Sequences
An escape sequence consists of the ESC control code followed by one or
more characters in succession. Both two-character and structured escape
sequences control the printer. Two-character escape sequences take the
form ESCX, where X is a character from the ASCII table (0 through ~).
Structured escape sequences take the following form:
This sequence is explained below:
ESCXy Prefix. This part of the escape sequence indicates that the
escape sequence is structured and also specifies which type of
control is being performed. “X” is referred to as the structured
character; “y” is referred to as the group character.
Parameter This string of ASCII characters specifies a value (either numeric
or alphanumeric).
Z Terminator. This ASCII character indicates the function to which
the previous parameter value applies. If this character is lower
case (a,b,c, etc.), it indicates a combined escape sequence,
meaning that more structured information will follow. If the
character is upper case (A,B,C, etc.), it terminates the escape
sequence string.
NOTE: Brackets [ ] are shown in many of the escape sequences for
clarification purposes, but are not actually part of the escape
sequence. For example, the brackets in the escape sequence for
selecting page length (ESC&l[1-128]P) specify a range of values (1
through 128) for page length. To specify a page length of 35 lines, the
escape sequence ESC&l35P would be sent to the printer.
Combining Escape Sequences
Structured escape sequences can be combined to save keystrokes.
Combining sequences involves adding the parameter value and terminator of
one or more sequences to another escape sequence. Structured sequences
can be combined only if their prefixes are identical. When a parameter/
terminator of one sequence is added to another sequence, all of the
terminators except the last should be lower case. For example, to set the left
and right margins using two separate escape sequences, the following two
sequences would be sent:
Set left margin at position 10 ESC&a10L
Set right margin at position 99 ESC&a99M
Using one combined escape sequence, the following would be sent to the