Alpha 21264/EV67 Hardware Reference Manual
Testability and Diagnostics 11–3
IEEE 1149.1 Port
On the receive side, while in native mode, any transition on the Ibox I_CTL
[SL_RCV], driven from the SromData_H pin, results in a trap to the PALcode inter-
rupt handler. When in PALmode, all interrupts are blocked. The interrupt routine then
begins sampling I_CTL [SL_RCV] under a software timing loop to input as much data
as needed, using the chosen serial line protocol.
11.3 IEEE 1149.1 Port
The IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port consists of the Tdi_H, Tdo_H, Tms_H, Tck_H,
and Trst_L pins. These pins access the IEEE 1149.1 mandated public test features as
well as several private chip manufacturing test features.
The port meets all requirements of the standard except that there are no pull-ups on the
Tdi_H, Tms_H, and Trst_L pins, as required by the present standard.
The scope of 1149.1 compliant features on the 21264/EV67 is limited to the board level
assembly verification test. The systems that do not intend to drive this port must termi-
nate the port pins as follows: pull-ups on Tdi_H and Tms_H, pull-downs on Tck_H
and Trst_L.
The port logic consists of the usual standard compliant components, namely, the TAP
Controller State Machine, the Instruction Register, and the Bypass Register.
The Bypass Register provides a short shift path through the chip’s IEEE 1149.1 logic. It
is generally useful at the board level testing. It consists of a 1-bit shift register.
The Instruction Register holds test instructions. On the 21264/EV67, this register is 5
bits wide. Table 11–2 describes the supported instructions. The instruction set supports
several public and private instructions. The public instructions operate and produce
behavior compliant with the standard. The private instructions are used for chip manu-
facturing test and must not be used outside of chip manufacturing.
Figure 11–1 shows the TAP controller state machine state diagram. The signal Tms_H
controls the state transitions that occur with the rising clock edge. TAP state machine
states are decoded and used for initiating various actions for testing.
Table 11–2 IEEE 1149.1 Instructions and Opcodes
Opcode Instruction Operation/Function
Private These instructions are for factory test use only. The user must
not load them as they may have a harmful effect on the
11000 SAMPLE IEEE 1149.1 SAMPLE instruction.
11001 HIGHZ IEEE 1149.1 HIGHZ instruction.
11010 CLAMP IEEE 1149.1 CLAMP instruction.
11011 EXTEST IEEE 1149.1 EXTEST instruction.
Private These instructions are for factory test use only. The user must
not load them as they may have a harmful effect on the
11111 BYPASS IEEE 1149.1 BYPASS instruction.