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How to file a request for payment:
If the above conditions are met, make your request for payment by submitting the
following to CODE. The request for payment must be received by CODE no later than
sixty (60) days after the vehicle is reported stolen.
1. Copy of the retail sales receipt for the purchase of the security system, clearing
showing the model of system purchased and the year, make and model of the
vehicle in which the system was installed.
2. A copy of the police report for the stolen vehicle.
3. A copy of the paid insurance claim and reimbursement check from the insurance
*The Theft Protection Program is not available in all states please contact
dealer for more information.
Plan duration: 3 Years from the date of installation.
Plan amount: Maximum allowable value equal to insurance deductible or up to
$2,500 whichever is less.
Conditions of the Theft Protection Program:
1. The Theft Protection Program is non-transferable and non-assignable.
2. The system must be installed by an authorized CODE dealer.
3. Vehicle must be less than three (3) model years old at the time of installation.
4. The security system must have been fully armed at the time of the vehicle theft.
5. The vehicle in which the system is installed must be insured for theft by a licensed
insurance underwriter in the state in which the vehicle is registered.
Terms of payment:
1. The vehicle must first be considered a total loss due to theft by your insurance
2. Your insurance company has settled all claims arising from this theft and there are
no other pending legal actions as a result of this theft.