
P a rt II — Getting Start e d
Nothing comes close to a Cobra
System overv i e w
. .
Select destination,
. . . . .
route selection
limits and
Navigate to
. . . . . . . . . . .
Read this section in connection with the System logic section on page A2.
Once the route calculation is complete, the NAV ONE system is ready to provide guidance to the destination.
This can be wholly visual on the LCD or visual and voice with the voice providing specific instructions all
along the route. The guidance routines include:
These are described in the Route guidance sections.
Each trip begins with a destination in mind and the NAV ONE system provides a variety of ways to choose
the next destination. Users can specify:
A specific street address or an intersection of two streets
by spelling out the information or choosing from lists.
A point of interest, such as a park, restaurant or shopping
mall, from extensive lists built into the system.
Any of the last nine destinations entered in the system.
Any of up to 100 locations that can be saved in the address
book. These locations can be entered directly or, on the NAV
ONE 3000, by beaming to the infrared port from a PDA.
Multiple destinations in sequence that are saved as a named trip.
Users can save up to five trips with up to ten destinations per trip.
After selecting a destination, the NAV ONE system lets the user set parameters as to how it is to develop the route between
the current location and the desired destination. Users can choose the shortest distance or the shortest time and can specify
whether or not to avoid freeways and toll roads. After the route parameters are set, the NAV ONE system will calculate a route.
These choices and processes are described further in the Destination selection and programming sections.
Map screen with
the route highlighted
in light green on
the LCD.
Planned Route with
a step-by-step list of
each maneuver.
Guide screen that
provides a view of
each maneuver.
Trip Data that includes
mileage, speed, time,
estimated time to arrival,
location and heading.
01 Intro 6/15/04 5:25 PM Page 7