Smart AutoTesting™
Each time you remotely arm your vehicle, it will perform a series of tests on all
triggers and sensors. If a trigger malfunction is found, you will be visually and
audibly alerted
4 chirps
and flashes instead of the usual 2. If a
sensor is malfunctioning, you will receive the usual 2 chirps and flashes, then, a
few seconds later, there will be 4 chirps and flashes.
Specific Malfunction Identification: The system not only tells you if the prob-
lem is a trigger or sensor, but it can also indicate the
trigger or sensor
that is malfunctioning. This feature saves you time and money since your in-
staller won’t have to spend hours trying to determine where the problem is.
Here’s how it works:
1. You receive the 4-chirp/4-flash signal upon remote disarming.
2. The LED indicator inside the vehicle will be flashing, pause, then repeat.
3. Count the number of blinks in one cycle between pauses (for your conven-
ience, the blink cycle repeats 5 times) and refer to the chart below:
Number of LED blinks between pauses Malfunction
1 blink
Vibration/impact sensor or optional sensor
2 blinks
Door trigger
3 blinks
Trunk or hood trigger
Automatic Malfunction Bypass
To provide the utmost protection even if a system component malfunctions, the
system will automatically bypass the faulty point and arm all other triggers and
sensors until you can have the system serviced by your local Authorized Dealer.
The system’s non-volatile memory records the identity of the last activated or
malfunctioning trigger or sensor, which allows your installer to instantly track down a
malfunction and save you servicing costs. To identify the trigger or sensor held in
the system’s non-volatile memory, simply perform the following procedure:
1. With the ignition OFF, flick the valet switch to one side.
2. Press button I to “arm” the system, then again to “disarm.”
3. The LED will blink several times, pause, then repeat the blink cycle 4 times.
4. Count the number of blinks in one cycle and refer to the chart that follows:
Number of LED blinks per cycle Trigger/Sensor that Last Activated or Malfunctioned
1 blink
Magnetic Resonance Sensor
2 blinks
Door trigger
3 blinks
Trunk or hood trigger