
Welcome to the world of high-technology
vehicle security and convenience
ongratulations on the purchase of your Clifford Concept 50
remote controlled vehicle security and convenience system.
Your Concept 50 is packed with protective features and
lifestyle-enhancing convenience benefits, including
Anti-CodeGrabbing with Random Code Encryption that fights off
the latest and most onerous threat from high-tech thieves.
A thief with a code-grabber can record with total impunity the codes
of your car alarm’s remote control from up to several hundred
meters away. How? The thief simply waits for you to arm or disarm
your alarm with your remote control. The thief’s portable,
pocket-sized code-grabber will automatically pick and record the
transmitted code off the air. As soon as you walk away, he simply
plays it back, instantly disarming your alarm and unlocking the
doors. It’s like giving the thief your car keys. Code-grabbing will
instantly defeat other brands of remote controlled car alarms,
regardless of whether they are equipped with anti-scanning or
trillions of digital codes.
Clifford’s unique PlainView Coded Programming switch ensures that
no unauthorised person can tamper with your system’s programming
nor add a secret remote control to command your system. Concept
50’s built-in Failsafe MultiPoint Immobiliser assures your vehicle
cannot be driven away by even the most determined thief. We have
even encased the immobilisation electronics in solid steel for extra
security. Plus there’s Clifford’s ingenious Digital ComLink that
assures protection even if a thief tampers with power to the system.
Concept 50 also has remote controlled chirp muting, built-in
circuitry for remote headlight control or, on certain vehicles, remote
window rollup that saves you the cost of optional modules. The
system’s pair of 4-button remote controls let you remotely command
up to 12 different functions easily and effortlessly. Yet despite all
the sophistication, your Concept 50 is amazingly easy to use: never
more difficult than a few flicks of a switch or a press of a button on
one of your miniature keychain remote controls.