Smart trunk re lease op tion
If you have this option, you may use the button to remotely release the trunk latch. The system’s electronic interlock prevents unintentional activation
of the remote trunk release when you drive, or when the system is armed. The Smart Trunk Release fe ature requires installer programming, so if you have
the optional trunk release installed, you may want to verify that it will NOT activate when the system is armed. If it can be activated while armed, causing the
alarm to sound, please return to your installing Clifford Dealer and have them correct this (it onl y takes a couple minutes and there will be no charge to you).
High- Output In sig nia Si ren
This Clifford-engineered siren is more rugged than generic sirens and has these features:
n Remote siren silencing: If triggered by a non-threatening event, you can silence the siren without remotely disarming. Pres s button 1 on the
master remote or button on the companion remote while the siren is sounding. Two chirps confirm that the sensor activated the alarm and
the system is remaining armed. Four chirps confirm that the system is still armed, but that the ignition is on or the hood , trunk or a door is open and
that this may indeed be a genuine theft attempt.
n Automatic noise abatement: Alarm sounding is limited to five siren duration cycles even if a door is left open in the wake of an intrusion.
n Long-term chirp silencing: You may silence the arm and disarm chirps on a long-term basis until you decide to restore them. Yo ur vehicle’s
parking light flashes will continue to provide visual confirmation of remote controlled system armi ng and disarming. See User-selectable features.
n Selectable siren duration: You may change the factory set 30-second siren duration to 60 or 90 seconds via the programming pro cedure or via
the CliffNet Wizard software. See User-selectable features.
n Personalized Siren Sounds (requires the Self-Powered SmartSiren 4 option): The optional Self-Powered SmartSiren 4 sounds six
different alarm sounds. With the optional Clif fNet Wiz ard software and Da ta Port Replicator Cabl e, you may select up to six sounds from more
than a dozen different siren sound choices for truly unique customization.
n Choose when your Per son al ized Si ren Sounds play: With the optional Clif fNet Wiz ard software and Da ta Port Replicator Cable, you may
choose to have your Per son al ized Si ren Sounds “play” every time the alarm is set off, or you ma y set the system to sound them only upon trigger
activation. When set to “trigger only” the basic siren wail will sound if a sensor is activated, but the Personalized Siren Sounds will play if the
hood, trunk or a door is opened.
Smart Powe rUp™ 2
If power is removed, SmartPowerUp 2 ensures the system automatically restores itself to its previou s state when power is restored. So if a thief disconnects
the power and then restores it in an attempt to start the car, the system will re-arm and instantly sound the siren while continuing to immobilize the
starter. If your vehicle is to be serviced by a mechanic, just put the system in valet mode. If the mechanic needs to interrupt power, your system will
automatically return to its valet mode state when power is restored; there will be no alarm activat ion.
Smart Au toTest ing™
Each time you remotely arm the system, it tests all triggers and sensors. If the hood or trunk is open, the system will immediately sound 4 chirps and 4
indicator light flashes instead of the usual 2 and 2. If a door is ajar, you’ll receive 2 chirps and 2 flashes, then, 5 seconds later, there will be 4 chirps and 4
flashes. If a sensor is malfunctioning, you will receive the usual 2 chirps and 2 flashes, then, 10 seconds later, there will be 4 chirps and 4 flashes.
NOTE: Since this is a warn ing in di ca tion, you will hear the 4 chirps even if you use the chirp mut ing fea ture.
n Specific malfunction identification: The system can also indicate the specific trigger or sensor that is malfunctioning. If you get the
4-chirp/4-flash signal upon arming, perform the following to identify the malfunctioning trigger or sensor:
1. Remotely disarm, then turn on the ignition. The LED status indicator inside your vehicle will be fl ashing, pause, then repeat.
2. Count the number of flashes in one cycle between pauses (for your convenience, the flash cycle repe ats a total of 5 times) and refer to the chart below:
LED flashes Mean ing
1 flash
Activation of Glass Tampering Sensor
2 flashes
Activation of Piezo Sensor
4 flashes*
Door open/ajar
5 flashes
Trunk open or ajar
6 flashes
Hood open or ajar
7 flashes
Ignition switch was turned on while the system was armed
8 flashes
Three or more incorrect valet codes were entered
10 flashes
Power tampering or the vehicle battery is very low
* If your ve hi cle has a factory- installed fea ture that turns off or dims the in te rior cour te sy lights sev eral sec onds af ter you exit the ve hi cle, the sys tem can not pro vide this in di ca tion.
Auto matic mal func tion by pass with AutoRe Moni tor ing™
The system automatically bypasses any faulty point and arms all other triggers and sensors for the utmost possible protection. If you accidentally arm with
the hood, trunk or a door open, just close it (no need to disarm-and-rearm) and the system will again monitor that point.