The AutoStart features
Your AvantGuard III has two AutoStart features:
n AutoStart Battery Mode: This is an especially valuable feature when you need to
leave your vehicle parked for an extended period of time. If engaged, the system
will continually monitor the voltage level of the vehicle battery while you are
away. If the voltage drops below a preset level, the system will automatically start
the engine and recharge the battery (to conserve battery power, the AvantGuard III
will not activate the side lights nor any preset accessories in this mode). Likewise,
the system automatically shuts down the engine once the battery is properly
charged or after 30 minutes, whichever occurs first. If needed, the process will
repeat every eight hours until the battery is properly charged. AutoStart Battery
Mode is automatically canceled as soon as you drive your car.
n AutoStart Temperature Mode: You may set AvantGuard III to AutoStart the
vehicle if the temperature drops below 15°F (-9°C). The engine will idle for 30
minutes or until you enter and drive the vehicle, whichever occurs first. AutoStart
Temperature Mode is automatically canceled as soon as you drive your car.
n AutoStart Dual Mode: This mode selection instructs the system to monitor both the
battery voltage and temperature. Thus either condition will trigger AutoStart.
AutoStart is a two step process. You first select the AutoStart mode you want the system
to use. You will later (this can be moments or months later) use your remote control to
command the system to use the AutoStart mode you previously selected:
1. Use the programming procedure noted on pages 31-35 (column 4, row 4) to select
either AutoStart Battery Mode, AutoStart Temperature Mode or AutoStart Dual-Mode.
2. Disarm the system with button 1, then transmit channel 10 (LevelShift twice, then
button 2). The side lights will flash twice to acknowledge that the system is now in
the AutoStart mode you selected in step 1.
3. Press button 1 to arm the system. Your AvantGuard III will remain in AutoStart
mode until you next drive the vehicle.
This is a great feature when you need to make a stop at a convenience store or to make a
quick delivery. Rather than shutting down the engine and then restarting it moments
later, ShortStop lets you remove your car keys from the ignition switch without shutting
down the engine. You may then exit and remotely arm the system while the engine
continues to idle. To use the ShortStop feature, use the following procedure:
1. Park the vehicle being sure to place the transmission in its park position and set the
hand brake.
2. Make sure you are not touching the brake pedal, then transmit channel 5 as if you
were remotely starting the engine (two side light flashes will confirm this action).
3. Turn the ignition off and remove your keys. The engine will continue to idle.
4. Exit the vehicle and arm the system with button 1 on the remote control. The engine
will continue to idle under the control of your AvantGuard III for up to 30 minutes.
5. When you have completed your errand, just use the normal procedure noted in the To
drive the vehicle section on page 28.