Step 7: Test Black Jax anti- carjacking feaure.
Verify that this feature is on (it is factory set to off). To trigger BlackJax:
1. Shut all doors, then start the engine (be sure to press the brake pedal).
2. Wait. After 20 seconds, you’ll hear 5 chirps. Enter the PIN code (factory set to 2: ✱✱ blank).
n No chirps. Check the GRAY door trigger wire while the engine is running. Also verify
that the brake input shows +12V when pressed, 0V when not pressed (engine running).
3. The dashboard LED will flash on for an instant to confirm proper code entry.
4. Open and close a door, then press the brake pedal and wait 20 seconds for the 5-chirps.
5. Rev the engine to 3-4,000 RPM and hold it there, but do not enter the code.
6. 20 seconds later, the siren will sound and parking lights will flash.
n Engine shuts down at high rev. Check connection of the BLACK/GRAY wire and
reprogram RPMs.
7. Slowly lower the RPMs. The engine will shut down when RPMs are at about 1.5 times
that of idle speed.
n Engine doesn’t shut down. Check connection of the BLACK/GRAY wire and
reprogram RPMs (you may try reprogramming RPMs to slightly higher than idle).
Step 8: Test the LED.
Arm the system by pressing button 1 on the remote control.
nFlashes repeatedly. This is the correct response, proceed to step 8.
n No flashes. Ver ify that the LED’s VIO LET and BLACK wires are properly con nected.
Warn ing: This is a 2- volt LED, test ing with 12 volts will de stroy the LED.
Step 9: Test the Dual- Zone Piezo Sen sor.
Arm the system, wait 10 seconds, then “thump” the car softly with your fist:
n5-chirp warning tone. Proceed to the next test.
Thump firmly:
nAlarm triggers. Proceed to step 9. Adjust the sensor as needed.
Step 10: Test the Glass Tam per ing Sen sor.
Arm the system and wait ten seconds.
nTap the driver’s window lightly with a coin. The alarm should NOT sound. If it does
sound, turn the knob on the sensor counterclockwise to decrease the sensitivity setting.
n Tap the driver’s side front window firmly with the edge of a coin or key.
§Alarm triggers. This is the correct response, proceed to step 10.
§Alarm does not trigger. Check all connections and retest. Adjust ensitivity. If the
alarm still does not trigger, try repositioning the microphone and retesting.
Step 11: Test the dis arm func tion.
Disarm by pressing remote control button 1. The following should occur:
nSiren chirps once. If the siren does not chirp once, refer to step 3.
n Parking lights flash once. If the parking lights do not flash once, refer to step 4.
n LED stops flashing. If not refer to step 6.
n Doors un lock. If not refer to step 5.
nImmobilizer cir cuits im me di ate ly disen gage (test by starting the engine with the key).
If the Immobilizer circuits do not disengage, refer to step 2.
n In te rior cour tesy light(s) turn on and stay on for 30 sec onds or un til ig ni tion on.
§ If the in te rior light(s) do not turn on, ver ify that you re placed the interior light fuse
you re moved or have turned the lights back on as noted in step 1 of this sec tion.
§ If the fuse blew when you dis armed, the ve hi cle uses a posi tive door trig ger and you
con nected the in te rior light sup ply wire to ground in stead of +12 volts.
§ Check the door trig ger cir cuit.