Standard Features of the IntelliGuard 8OO-IQ
✔ User-Programmable MultiSound Medallion™ Siren — The IntelliGuard
800-IQ’s innovative MultiSound Medallion siren integrates creative form and
engineering triumphs. Designed entirely by Clifford engineers, there’s no
other siren like it. The remarkable Clifford MultiSound Medallion Siren is far
superior in its performance, features, reliability and even aesthetics to all
other manufacturer’s look-alike, sound-alike generic sirens.
Personalized Siren Sounds™ —Your choice of up to 64 distinct sound patterns for
unmistakable recognition from a distance.
Ultra-Reliability — Since sirens are installed in the engine compartment, they’re
continually exposed to an unforgiving environment of extreme temperatures,
vibrations, dirt, dust and water, which may cause the siren’s electronics to fail.
But the entire electronic circuitry of the IntelliGuard 800-IQ siren and all of its
components have been designed into the underdash control unit. Consequently,
the electronic circuitry is sheltered from the harsh environment and is no longer
the weakest link of the alarm system. In fact, the calculated mean time between
failure (MTBF) of the IntelliGuard MultiSound Medallion Siren is 10 times better
than that of conventional sirens.
User-Selectable Siren Duration — You may set the siren wail for your choice of
either 30 or 60 seconds.
Patented Automatic Noise Abatement — IntelliGuard 800-IQ siren electronics
limit alarm sounding to five siren duration cycles even if a door is left open in the
wake of an intrusion attempt. This ensures against battery drain or towing of your
vehicle due to noise pollution. The system then automatically resets and re-arms
all other points to continue to provide the utmost possible protection.
Enhanced User-Selectable AutoArming™— Arms itself “passively” if you
forget. May qualify you for an insurance discount that could pay for the
AutoArming Enable/Disable — You may disable or re-enable AutoArming with
just a few flicks of a switch.
AutoArm & Lock™ — You may set the system to automatically lock the doors
every time the system AutoArms.
Visual Indication — Two parking lights flashes signal that the 30-second
countdown to AutoArming has started.
15-Second Entry Delay — If you ever temporarily lose the use of your remote
controls, an entry delay allows you to enter the vehicle and disarm the system
without sounding the siren.
Instant AutoArm Bypass — Just a quick turn of the ignition switch bypasses
AutoArming for one cycle — perfect when fueling the vehicle. AutoArming is
automatically restored the next time you park the car.