System Checklist & Troubleshooting (Continued)
Step 13.
Test the AutoArming By pass fea ture.
Disarm the system. Turn the ignition to the “ON” position, then turn the ignition “OFF.”
One Chirp. This is the correct response, wait 30 seconds after the interior lights have turned off to insure
passively arm. Proceed to step 13.
Step 14.
Test remote control range.
Stand approximately 50 feet from the vehicle and use the remote control to arm and disarm the syste m.
The IntelliGuard 6000 will re spond with the pre vi ously noted in di ca tions for arm ing and dis arm ing. If not:
o Re po si tion the external receiver as high up as possible un der the dash or on the windscreen and as far as pos si ble from
heavy wire looms and metal. Rotate the external receiver 90 degrees and re-test.
o Make sure that the re mote con trol bat tery meas ures at least 3 volts while trans mit ting.
o Make sure that the volt age at the con trol unit be tween the 5A fused power line and each of the t wo ground lines meas ures
at least 12.0 volts (if less, make sure both chas sis grounds are solid; if the grounds are solid, the ve hi cle battery may need
charg ing, serv ic ing or re place ment).
Step 15.
Dis trib ute all nec es sary pa per work in clud ing:
User’s Manual must be given to the customer.
Adhere the Clifford window decals to the vehicle’s windows after discussing placement with the vehi cle owner.
Step 16.
Dem on strate Ba sic Sys tem Op era tion:
Remote control operation:
o Arming and locking
o Disarming and unlocking
o Remore Valet Mode
o Panic button
o Accessory Activation
AutoArming and AutoArming Bypass
Valet code entry
User-programming mode
In tel liGuard 6000/1298 13