
The Remote Control
Your new surround processor comes with a versatile remote control which can
control both the SSP-300 itself and several aspects of the rest of a Classé-based
system. The buttons are arranged in logical groups according to their functions.
1 Basic Functions
This section along the top of the remote control groups four functions that
control your basic interactions with the SSP-300.
Light switches the backlighting of the remote control on, for
better visibility under low-light conditions. After a few moments
of inactivity, the backlight switches off automatically.
Info takes you directly to the status screen in the LCD menu
system, displaying several items of information about the SSP-
300 and its current operational status.
Disp (for Display) cycles through the three brightness settings of
the screen display.
Standby toggles the SSP-300 between standby
and operate.
2 Audio Processing Keys
The next row of three buttons control how the SSP-300 processes the
audio signal.
THX cycles through the available THX processing modes (e.g.,
THX Movie, THX Music, and THX off; the specifics depend
on the input signal). This is a quick and easy way to get from
whatever processing mode you may be in to the THX mode
you’d like to have.
Night engages and disengages the Late Night mode for Dolby
Digital soundtracks, allowing you to enjoy movies with less
chance of disturbing others.
Mode brings up the mode select menu on-screen so you can
choose from among any of the supported surround modes of the
SSP-300 quickly and easily. Use the arrow keys to move up and
down the list, and press
enter to make your selection.
3 Navigation Keys
The central section of the remote control contains the navigation keys.
This array of buttons is similar to what you may have seen on remote
controls for DVD players, and is used for navigation of the menu system
of the SSP-300.