3.4.1 Memory: What Is Saved? And Where?
Bay Cat X’s automatic memories work well, but the best way to save and recall is with the numbered memory
slots, because they recall everything.
In the Bay Cat X some parameters (values) are associated
with the mode. The mode is primarily the horizontal and
vertical resolution and the vertical frequency of the incom-
ing source picture. It is more than this, but if you think of it
this way, you will be close enough.
Some parameters are associated with the input. The
input in this instance means the input connector: Analog 1,
Digital, Composite Video, etc.
✎ The parameters specific to Mode and Input are
saved in memory slots.
Some parameters are global, that is, they are not associ-
ated with either the mode or the input connector, and are
not saved to memory slots. They are universal.
The Bay Cat X remembers the last 10 modes it received
and all the mode parameters associated with them.
Switching modes
For instance, suppose you set up the Black and White
Levels for a 1024x768 @ 65Hz vertical from a computer
connected to Analog. Then later, using the same input con-
nector but a different computer you set up the Bay Cat X
for a 1600x1200 @ 60Hz. You re-adjust the Black and
White Levels, because they are different.
Still later you plug in the first computer with its
1024x768 @ 65Hz picture. Immediately, the Bay Cat X
recognizes that it has seen this signal type before, and it
recalls the Black and White Levels from its internal mem-
Specific to the
Mode Input
ASCII Response Term. x
ASCII Response Type x
Auto Codes x
Auto Backlight On x
Baud Rate x
Black Level: R, G, & B x
Brightness (video) x
Color Balance (all values) x
Colorspace x
Contrast (video) x
Curtain Pattern x
Do Black/White Levels x
Do Frequency x
Do Phase x
Do Position x
Frequency x
Group ID x
Hue x
Justify x
Menu H Position x
Menu Timeout x
Menu V Position x
Phase x
Plug and Play (EDID) x
Position, Horizontal x
Position, Vertical x
Resolution, Horizontal x
Resolution, Vertical x
Retry On Lost Signal x
Saturation x
Sharpness x
Unit ID x
White Level: R, G, & B x
Specific to the
Mode Input