SR260C_English_black_090402.doc SIZE: 140x75mm SCALE 2:1
[ M+ ] Memory Plus Key
Press [ M+ ] to total the current calculation and add the result to the
value already in memory.
[ 2ndF ] [ Ka
], [ 2ndF ] [ Kb
] Constant (Ka, Kb) Memory
Store Key
Press to enter the displayed value into constant memory Ka or Kb.
[ Ka
], [ Kb
] Memory Recall Key
Press to display the contents of a constant memory.
Note :
• Constant memories Ka and Kb can have a value of 0
• If you press [ Ka
] or [ Kb
] after entering a number or
marking a calculation, the displayed value is multiplied by the value
in Ka or Kb.
[ ( ], [ ) ] Parenthesis Keys
Press to override the calculation’s default order of operation by using
parentheses. You can use up to 6 levels of parenthes in a single
[ EXP ] Exponent Key
To enter a number in scientific notation, first enter the numbers for the
mantissa, press [ EXP ], and then enter the numbers for the exponent.
[ 2ndF ] [ π ] Key
Press [ 2ndF ] [π] to display the value of π, which is the ratio of
circle’s circumference to its diameter (approximately 3.141592654).
[ 2ndF ] [ X
Y ] Register Exchange Key
Press [ 2ndF ] [ X
Y ] to exchange the displayed value (X–register)
with the contents of the working register (Y–register).
(Ex.) 123 [ + ] 456 [ = ] 579.
[ 2ndF ] [ X
Y ] 456.
[ 2ndF ] [ X
Y ] 579.
[ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] Decimal Point Set Key
Use to set the number of digits displayed after the decimal point in
either final or intermediate results. The calculator continues to use its
full range for internal calculations and only rounds the number in the
• [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 0 ]~[ 6 ] –– Sets the number of digits to be
displayed to the right of decimal point.
• [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 7 ], [ 8 ], [ 9 ], [‧] –– Selects floating point format.
(Ex.) 5 [ ÷ ] 9 [ = ] 0.555555556
[ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 2 ] 0.56
[ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 5 ] 0.55556