Cisco IOS Release 12.0(4)XI1
Note This feature is distinct from the Asynchronous Management Protocol for V.110 Terminal
Adaptor Module that runs in the Cisco AS5200 and Cisco AS5300.
V.110 is a digital link access protocol and for Cisco access servers. It operates over an ISDN B
channel. V.110 enables Cisco access servers to connect to ISDN terminal adapters requiring V.110
compatibility. This feature enables GSM wireless connectivity.
This ISDN feature is in addition to the existing analog capability of the MICA modems.
Also, some digital cellular networks support data applications via V.110 connecting from the cell
phone. These networks place these V.110 calls on the PSTN for interconnecting to the ISP of the
end-customer's choice. MICA V.110 supports data rates from 600 bps up to 38,400bps.
Cisco IOS show commands have been changed to display additional fields reflecting the V.110
capability. See the “Command Reference” section.
An added AT command, ATDI, allows the user to command a V.110 modem to originate a V.110
call. See the “Command Reference” section.
This basic feature allows a V.110 call to be originated and terminated. Synchronous V.110 is not
supported. In addition, V.110 calls must terminate on a TTY asynchronous IOS interface.
Transmission Speeds/Bearer Rates
The following V.110 bearer rates and intermediate rates (ITU-T Recommendation Q.931) are
• V.110 Bearer Rates:
— 600 bps
— 1200 bps
— 2400 bps
— 4800 bps
— 7200 bps
— 9600 bps,
— 14400 bps
— 19200 bps
— 28800 bps (not currently supported)
— 38400 bps
• Intermediate Rates:
— 8k
— 16k
— 32k bps