56 OL-23119-01
Receive an Intercom Call
1. You will receive a message on your phone screen and an audible alert, and your phone answers
the intercom call with mute activated. You can handle the intercom call in one of these ways:
Listen to the intercom caller in whisper mode. (Any current call activity you are already
engaged in continues simultaneously.) In whisper mode, the intercom caller cannot hear you.
Press the active Intercom button to switch to connected mode. In connected mode, you can
speak to the intercom caller.
2. Press the Intercom button to end the call.
Line Status
Line Status indicators allow you to view the state of a phone line that is associated with a
speed-dial button.
Your system administrator sets up Line Status indicators on your phone.
Line Status Indicators
Line Status indicators show the state of a line.
Line Status indicators can be set up on speed-dial buttons by your system administrator and can be
used with these features:
• Speed Dial—Allows you to monitor the status of (and dial) a specific number on a
speed-dial button. (If the monitored line is unavailable, the Line Status button changes to a normal
speed-dial button.)
• Directed Call Park—Allows you to monitor the line status of (and dial) a Directed Call Park
number on a speed-dial button.
Icon Indicator
Line is in use.
Line is idle.
Line is ringing. (Only for Call Pickup.)
Line is in a Do Not Disturb (DND) state.