Chapter 2. Message and Recovery Procedures 15
CMP Messages
This section contains the Cluster Membership Protocol (CMP) messages.
CMP-5-ADD: The Device is added to the cluster (Cluster Name:[chars], CMDR IP Address [inet]).
Explanation This message means that the device is added to the cluster. [chars] is the cluster name,
and [inet] is the Internet address of the command switch.
Response No action is required.
CMP-5-MEMBER_CONFIG_UPDATE: Received member configuration from member [dec].
Explanation This message means that the active or standby command switch received a member
configuration. [dec] is the member number of the sender.
Response No action is required.
CMP-5-MGMT_VLAN_CHNG: The management vlan has been changed to [dec].
Explanation This message means that the management VLAN has changed. [dec] is the new
management VLAN number.
Response No action is required.
CMP-5-NBR_UPD_SIZE_TOO_BIG: Number of neighbors in neighbor update is [int], maximum number of
neighbors allowed in neighbor update is [int].
Explanation This message means that the number of cluster neighbors in the clustering neighbor
update packet exceeds the number of neighbors supported by the clustering module design. [int] is the
number of cluster neighbors.
Response No action is required.
CMP-5-REMOVE: The Device is removed from the cluster (Cluster Name:[chars]).
Explanation This message means that the device is removed from the cluster. [chars] is the cluster
Response No action is required.