he PizzellePro
Express Bake
Model 835 comes to you
from Chef’sChoice
, known for the unique electronic
Series of waffle makers and as the manu-
facturer of the world’s finest professional household gourmet
products. You will find the PizzellePro
rapidly and consistently
produces three party-sized pizzelles, just right for any occasion.
You will appreciate how quickly you can make pizzelles – a set
of 3 in less than 60 seconds! The unique heating system and
added power of the PizzellePro
eliminate the need to wait for
the waffle plates to heat between baking cycles, a commonly
encountered need with conventional pizzelle makers. For added
convenience the PizzellePro
has built-in “Baking” and “Ready”
indicator lights that can be used to assist with the timing for
each batch of pizzelles.
Remember when pizzelles were only for the holidays? Now you
can enjoy pizzelles anytime, thanks to the ease and speed of
the PizzellePro
. Try rolling freshly baked pizzelles into cones
or cylinders and fill with a variety of tasty fruit or other sweet,
creamy fillings. Enjoy!