-10- Q-Spot™ 160-LED User Manual Rev. 01b
Continued from previous page
1) On the master unit, go to Intro > Operation.
a) Select any suitable Auto or Sound program.
b) Activate the selected AUTO or SOUND program.
2) On each of the slave units, go to Intro > Operation.
a) Select Slave.
b) Activate the SLAVE mode or return to the previous level.
Display Backlight
1) Go to Intro > Display.
2) Select
60 Close (the backlight will turn off after 60 seconds of control panel inactivity) or
Bright (the backlight will stay on permanently).
3) Activate the selected backlight operation or return to the previous level.
System Info
1) Go to Intro > Info.
2) Select Edition (the firmware version will show on the display).
3) Accept or return to the previous level.
1) Go to Intro > Reset.
2) Select
Yes (all custom modifications will be lost) or
No (all custom modifications will remain).
3) Accept or return to the previous level.
Reset Control
1) Go to Special > Reset.
2) Select
DMX (the fixture will accept reset commands from the DMX controller) or
System (the fixture will only reset from the control panel).
3) Accept or return to the previous level.
1) Go to Special > Black.
2) Select
No (move-in-black will stay active for as long as the Control channel remains
between 020~039) or
Yes (move-in-black will activate permanently if the Control channel remains
between 020~039 for 3 seconds.
3) Accept or return to the previous level.
Once Move-in-Black is permanently active, it will deactivate if the Control channel
remains between 040~059 for 3 seconds.
Continues on the next page