Insert the fastex buckles from
the front through the lower or
upper slots in the baby seat,
depending on the size of the
...and reconnect both buckles
behind the seat. The two fastex
buckles on the backrest should
be in the lowest position.
For side-fitting, use the two outer fastener units, and, for centre-fitting, the two in the centre.
Now lay both the straps that are
at the top end of the baby seat
around the top crossbar inside
the trailer.
Thread the strap through as
…and pull the strap gently.
For CX2 and Cougar2 models, we recommend folding the basic unit slightly for this step, so as to
slacken off the fabric cover. Do not pull the straps too tight, otherwise once you fold the unit out again
the baby seat will be under too much tension.
Loosen the fastex buckles on the padded shoulder harness on the backrest of the trailer seat and
take it off.
The shoulder padding can be
turned over at the top so that
the shoulder strap can be
sufficiently shortened.
If necessary, the lower con-
necting strap of the shoulder
padding can also be
unstrapped and the shoulder
padding turned over there as
For all other children, the
shoulder strap can be drawn
through the upper flaps of the
padding to prevent the padding
being able to slip to the side.
The shoulder harness and
crotch straps can now be
connected by closing the fastex
fastener on the front of the
baby seat.
Illustration A