Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 31 of 36
SAFETY BAR Activation causes the gate to reverse for a programmable distance and stop. If
Max Retry Count is enabled, gate waits a programmable pause time, then retries.
The gate will retry up to twice before faulting out.
RADIO RECV Convenience terminals provide power and contact connection for a radio
receiver. Activation is the same as OPEN.
WARNING OUT Relay contacts close depending on the programmed setting of the warning
MAG LOCK Relay contacts close when the gate is fully closed.
SLAVE I/O Input/output terminals are used to control a second gate operator.
PHONE LINE Terminals connect the telephone line to the gate operator.
OVERLOAD Factory-set pot protects the gate operator from excessive motor current.
(R72) If MAX Retry is enabled, when the limit is exceeded, a closing gate reverses
a programmed distance and an opening gate stops, waits a programmed
pause time, then tries to resume. The gate will retry up to twice before
faulting out.
NOTE: Gate may be more sensitive to drag in one direction than the other.
NOTE: For swing gate operation, controls are Right/Clockwise and Left/Counterclockwise.
REVERSE Adjustable pot controls gate sensitivity to blockages by the instantaneous
SENSE rise in motor current. If MaxRetry count is enabled, when the limit is
RIGHT (R69) exceeded, a closing gate reverses a programmed distance and an opening
gate stops, waits a programmed pause time, then tries to resume. The gate
will retry up to twice before faulting out.
REVERSE Adjustable pot controls gate sensitivity to blockages by the instantaneous
SENSE rise in motor current. If MaxRetry count is enabled, when the limit is
LEFT (R160) exceeded, a closing gate reverses a programmed distance and an opening
gate stops, waits a programmed pause time, then tries to resume. The gate
will retry up to twice before faulting out.
NOTE: LiftMaster gate operators have two reverse sense adjustments
(right/clockwise and left/counterclockwise) where other gate operators have
only one. This allows greater flexibility of installation. For instance, you can
install a gate on an incline and not worry about sacrificing downhill gate
INRUSH Adjustable pot controls the delay in sensitivity to reverse sense inputs.
(R203) This delay in sensitivity prevents the initial motor inrush current from
causing a fault condition. The weight of the gate determines this setting.
LIMIT SWITCH (J4) Connector for the left/right limit switch cable.
24 VAC (TB7) Provides 24 VAC @ 200mA for powering accessories.
BATTERY I/O (J11) Connector for use by the Power Fail Operation unit.
PWR INPUT (J1) Connector for AC input power.
MOTOR POWER (J3) Connector for the motor cable.