You will find that additional accessories for your SkyScout Scope will enhance your viewing pleasure and
expand the usefulness of your telescope. This is just a short listing of various accessories with a brief
description. Visit the Celestron website or the Celestron Accessory Catalog for complete descriptions and
all accessories available.
Omni Plossl Eyepieces – These eyepieces are economically priced and offer razor sharp
views across the entire field. They are a 4-element lens design and have the following
focal lengths: 4mm, 6mm, 9mm, 12.5mm, 15mm, 20mm, 25mm, 32mm, and 40mm – all
in 1.25” barrels.
Omni Barlow Lens ( 93326)– Used with any eyepiece, it doubles the magnification of that eyepiece. A
Barlow lens is a negative lens that increases the focal length of a telescope. The 2x Omni is a 1.25”
barrel, is under 3” (76mm) long, and weights only 4oz. (113gr.).
Minus V Refractor Filter - 1.25” (94121) - This is our newest high quality filter that
eliminates most color aberration inherent in achromatic refractor telescopes. The filter also
reduces your view of the blue hue around lunar and planetary subjects. Features multi-
layer coatings for 95% transmission.
Moon Filter (# 94119-A) – This is an economical 1.25” eyepiece filter for reducing the brightness of the
moon and improving contrast, so greater detail can be observed on the lunar surface.
UHC/LPR Filter 1.25” (# 94123) – This filter is designed to enhance your views of deep sky astronomical
objects when viewed from urban areas. It selectively reduces the transmission of certain wavelengths of
light, specifically those produced by artificial lights.
Filter, Solar (#94228) - The AstroSolar® filter is a safe and durable filter that
covers the front opening of the telescope. View sunspots and other solar features
using this double-sided metal coated filter for uniform density and good color
balance across the entire field. The Sun offers constant changes and will keep your
observing interesting and fun.
Flashlight, Night Vision (# 93588) – The Celestron flashlight uses two red LED’s to
preserve night vision better than red filters or other devices. Brightness is adjustable.
Operates on a single 9-volt included battery.
Digital Camera Adapter – Universal # 93626) – A universal mounting platform that allows you to do
afocal photography (photography through the eyepiece of a telescope) using 1.25” eyepieces with your
digital camera.
T-Adapter – Universal 1.25” (# 93625) – This adapter fits the 1.25” focuser of your telescope. It allows
you to attach your 35mm SLR camera for terrestrial as well as lunar and planetary photography.