Selecting and Creating Tones
■ Editable Parameters for All Layers (Layer 1 through Layer 6)
Display the screen in step 2 of the procedure under “To edit and save a tone as a user tone” on page E-21.
Editable Parameter List
• Shaded cells indicate a group made up of multiple items. Press
ENTER to display the items that make up a group.
■ Editable Parameters Common to Other Tone Categories
See “Other Editable Items” on page E-29.
Display Text Description Settings
Detune. Causes the tuning of Layers 1 through 6 to be slightly different from each other. A
larger setting value increases the amount of detuning. The maximum value (31) results in
a difference of 100 cents (semitones) between Layer 1 and Layer 6.
0 to 31
Pitch LFO >Ent Pitch LFO. Group of editable LFOs applied to the pitch of a layered tone.
Wave type. Specifies a wave type to be used for LFO. The details of the selectable waves
are the same as those for “WaveType” of “Block (8): LFO1 and Block (9): LFO2 Editable
Parameters” (page E-28).
Sin, Tri, SawUp,
SawDown, Puls1:3,
Puls2:2, Puls3:1
Rate Rate. Specifies the LFO speed (frequency). 0 to 127
Depth Depth. Specifies how LFO is applied. –128 to 0 to +127
Delay Delay. Specifies the degree of delay in the timing for applying LFO. 0 to 127
Rise. Specifies the time it takes from the start of application of the LFO until the effect
reaches the level specified by Depth above.
0 to 127
Mod.Depth Modulation depth. Specifies how modulation is applied to the LFO. 0 to 127
After Depth After depth. Specifies LFO change when MIDI channel after touch is received. 0 to 127
Amp LFO >Ent
Amp LFO. Group of editable LFOs applied to the volume of a layered tone. Group items
and setting ranges are the same as “LFO (Pitch LFO)”, above.
Refer to the cell to the
Detune = 31
Detune = 0
Layer2 Layer3Layer1