Accumulate touch PLU menus P-56
Add mode P-41
Allow finalization operation when subtotal is zero P-43
Allow more than one transaction in RF mode P-43
Allow numeric entries P-43
Allow to operate Auto PGM P-84
Allow to operate n-th Menu P-83
Amount or rate to keys P-166, P-167
Arrangement P-38, P-127
Arrangement control P-90
Arrangement control by range P-102
Auto program control P-79
Batch X/Z report P-39
Calculate Price for detail P-53
Calculation type P-62
Cash P-118
Cashier detail P-107
Character programming P-140
Character programming keyboard P-140
Charge P-118
Check P-118
Check endorsement P-124
Check print P-60, P-121
Check tracking P-54
Clearing CHK/TBL No. P-54, P-55
Clerk P-54, P-74, P-77, P-80, P-81, P-82, P-94, P-
208, P-219
Clerk control P-82
Clerk control by range P-94
Clerk features P-80
Clerk interrupt P-54
Clerk key ID P-107
Clerk number P-130
Clerk transfer P-121
Commission rate P-92
Commission rate by range P-104
Communication P-49
Consecutive No. P-41
Copy program change to other teminals P-49
Copying PLU descriptors to PLU 2nd unit price P-147, P-
Coupon P-123
Credit P-118
Cube P-131
Currency exchage P-128
Customer P-127
Delete RF items from guest receipt P-43
Department descriptors P-145
Department features P-112
Department unit price P-162
Deposit– P-124
Deposit+ P-124
Destination of accumulation for menu totalizing P-56
Display control P-55
Display Report P-48
Dutch account P-134
Employee P-74, P-204
Endorsement message P-155
Error when actual stock less than minimum stock P-43
Error when actual stock less than zero P-43
Euro P-78
Fixed totalizer descriptors P-151
Flag clear QT-2100 terminal P-14
Follow memu total reset operation P-56
Follow the same QTY as main item P-53
Function control 1 P-85
Function control 1 by range P-97
Function control 2 P-86
Function control 2 by range P-98
Function control 3 P-87
Function control 3 by range P-99
Function control 4 P-88
Function control 4 by range P-100
Function control 5 P-89
Function control 5 by range P-101
Function key descriptors P-148
General feature P-41
General procedure of PLU, PLU 2nd@, subdepartment, P-
GT character P-155
Hourly sales P-50
I/O parameter P-67
IDC Link P-77, P-78, P-79, P-207
IDC link P-77
Initialize QT-2100 terminal P-8
Inputting characters by code P-142
Issue Post receipt when normal receipt is issued P-43
Item Consolidation P-44
Item descriptors P-143
Item type P-109