Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Synchronizing Channel Information
You must enable Channel information synchronization for it to work. In the Mobile
Devices window of Windows CE Services, click Tools and then ActiveSync Options.
In the dialog that appears, put a checkmark next to Channel Item.
When you synchronize using the procedure under “Synchronization” on page 80,
Channel information is copied to your Palm-size PC from your desktop computer. You
can view Channel information using Channels or your Active Desktop. See “Using
Channels” on page 87 for more information.
Viewing Channel Information
The channel icon appears in the status area of the Taskbar whenever there is new
Channel information available.
Channel icon
Double-tap the icon to switch to Channels.
Viewing Channel Information on the Active Desktop
You can set up your Active Desktop to display specific channel content for quick
reference. To display Channel content in the Active Desktop, tap Start, Settings and
then Display. On the dialog that appears, select the components you want to display on
the Active Desktop.
On the Active Desktop, you can display Channel content only if it is distributed as a
mobile desktop format file. Go to the Web site of the Channel content provider to find
about the file format they use.